
The Cable Companyからメールが届いた。

New products and skeptics go together. We thought that it was about time to let the "silent majority" become a little more vocal - at least on the subject of the HFT fuses. Here are a few of the customer comments that we have received so far (and no, zero, nada negative feedback received at this point...):
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From a Component Manufacturer:
"Thanks for turning me on to those Ultra System (HFT) fuses. I'm glad I had the chance to listen to them. The stock fuses sound cardboardy compared with the fancy fuses. A little flatter, a little coarser, a little less real. In contrast, the fancy fuses sound more liquid, relaxed, deeper, and detailed without any change in the tonal balance whatsoever -- something that I consider to be real improvement, because in so many cases, detail is apparently increased by a thinning of the sound or an emphasis of the higher registers. In this case, the tonality remains completely unchanged, yet the space is bigger, sibilants are less electronic-sounding, more connected to the singer's vocalizations, and things are rounder

